What Does Mother like?

By | September 28, 2019

My mother, MD and psychotherapist, is camera shy, so I had to trick her to get this one last summer.She is amazing, intelligent, determined, open-minded, very strict, fair, and a real Mama bear.She was the first one, besides my grandfather in our family ‘clan’ to get higher education, study and work in what was traditionally seen as a ‘men’ s job’.She has friends from all over the world,

as she worked abroad in Córdoba, Spain after finishing University and also wanted to work in other countries, but she had to return for her post-university training program.

So she is constantly trying to improve her English.She is teaching German to Refugees living in our home town during her free time and helps them for free if they are sick.

She always encouraged my brother and me to ask questions and to always question the status quo.We always were encouraged to read from a very early age as she read books with us and after we could read ourselves,,,,

What does Mother like?