If the snake bites, first look at what its color is

By | September 28, 2019

About 7,000 venomous snake bite cases are reported every year in the United States. A bite from a venomous snake is rarely deadly — about 6 fatalities are reported every year — but it should always be treated as a medical emergency. Even a bite from a harmless snake can be serious, leading to an allergic reaction or an infection. Venomous snake bites can produce an array of symptoms,

including localized pain and swelling, convulsions, nausea, and even paralysis. First aid steps you can take after a snake bite occurs include cleaning the wound,

remaining calm, and immobilizing the affected area. However, it’s essential to get to a medical facility immediately for emergency treatment. If treated in time, the outlook for recovery is good.

If you are unfamiliar with the different types of snakes and unable to distinguish between venomous and non-venomous ones, it can be difficult to know how to respond in the event of a bite…

If the snake bites, first look at what its color is