Tag Archives: entertainment

If the wife comes to the womb

If the wife comes to the womb And if you want to be the best wife you can possibly be, then you need to familiarize yourself with these needs to the best of your abilities. Husbands aren’t always going to be so vocal or open about, what they want or need from their wives. However, that shouldn’t stop… Read More »

Realty” Adultery is a debt

Realty” Adultery is a debt. And if you want to be the best wife you can possibly be, then you need to familiarize yourself with these needs to the best of your abilities. Husbands aren’t always going to be so vocal or open about, what they want or need from their wives. However, that shouldn’t stop you from… Read More »

Rizq Ka Yaqeen

There’s a lot of advice out there on how to eat healthy, and if we’re being honest, it can sometimes feel like too much to think about. Especially when you’re hungry (AKA always). Remember when you were a kid and eating was as simple as open, chew, enjoy? Yes, those were simpler times. Now, knowing how to eat healthy doesn’t… Read More »

Rural Youth Intelligence

Somerset is one of the most rural counties in England.  When a population is widely dispersed across a large area it creates difficulties not only for people to travel to access services, but also for other service providers to reach people. Somerset Rural Youth Project (SRYP) is a registered charity which aims to engage and support young people… Read More »