Tag Archives: desi totkay

Get Anti Aging and Wrinkles Free Skin with Proper Skin Care at Home

Your skin is the first thing people notice of. While the market is full of products that will promise results to accomplish this, you do not necessarily need to spend a lot to get equivalent, or possibly even superior, if not better than these products.You can get glowing skin on top of many other health benefits from snacking… Read More »

Get Rid of Dark Spots, Age Spots and Wrinkles with Homemade Natural Mask

Even when wearing high amounts of SPF, after sitting in the sun for prolonged periods of time, we often find a few new spots on our faces. And while these little brown spots (results of sun damage) may not bother us now, we know that they only get worse with age. We did some research on how to… Read More »

Benefits of Orange…

Drinking orange juice could help improve brain function in elderly people, says a new study. “The population is aging rapidly across the world. Estimates suggest that the number of persons aged 60 or over could triple by 2,100. It’s therefore imperative that we explore simple, cost-effective ways to improve cognitive function in old age,” said study co-author Daniel… Read More »

Common Stomach Pains Mean and How to Fix Them?

Stomach and abdominal issues are common and tend to resolve themselves after a short time. But chronic pain and discomfort could be a signal from your body that something is wrong. Pain, cramping and bloating could be due to menstrual cycles, a bad diet, or could be a sign of irritable bowel syndrome. Bloating and gas alongside tummy… Read More »

Drink Three Litres of Water a Day For Kidney Stones

Thousands of new cases of kidney stones every year are caused by ignorance or denial of the need to drink three liters of water a day, according to a leading doctor. Bhaskar Somani, a consultant urological surgeon at Southampton General Hospital, said a lack of awareness about the dangers of dehydration was responsible for an annual increase in… Read More »

Hypertension or High Blood Pressure Causes and Treatment At Home

Blood pressure is the pressure of blood against the blood vessel walls as the heart pumps. When someone has hypertension (high blood pressure), the heart and arteries have a much heavier workload. The heart has to pump harder and the arteries are under greater strain as they carry blood. Having high blood pressure puts someone at a higher… Read More »

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment – Get Rid Of Fatigue and Weakness

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment – a quarter of the population claims to suffer from fatigue. But sometimes extreme tiredness can be hiding a more serious illness. It is easy to blame exhaustion on the stresses of an increasingly demanding lifestyle or work. But if after six months those feelings of exhaustion haven’t gone away then you may have an… Read More »

White Hair to Black Hair Shampoo

At what point should you stop dyeing your hair? At what juncture does the idea of you being a natural brunette (in relation to the rest of your appearance, that is) feel a little improbable? It’s something I have been thinking about a lot lately, as I approach 60 and, after nearly a quarter of a century of… Read More »

Eat Breakfast If You Want Your Baby to Be a Boy

If you want a bouncing baby boy, it’s crunch time. Forget the traditional advice about making love while standing up, gorging on bananas or sleeping to the left of your partner. The answer, according to scientists, is simply to have breakfast every morning – preferably a bowl of cereal. They say this is the first scientifically proven way… Read More »

Best Drink For Lose Weight and Reduce Belly Fat

What people drink can have a significant effect on how much they weigh and their overall health. Equipped with the right knowledge, people who want to lose weight can use this to their advantage. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 71.6% of people in the United States aged 20 or older are overweight or… Read More »