Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment – Get Rid Of Fatigue and Weakness

By | January 20, 2020

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment – a quarter of the population claims to suffer from fatigue. But sometimes extreme tiredness can be hiding a more serious illness. It is easy to blame exhaustion on the stresses of an increasingly demanding lifestyle or work.

But if after six months those feelings of exhaustion haven’t gone away then you may have an illness classified by doctors as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Chronic fatigue syndrome also known as ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) is a potentially disabling neurological disorder. There is no simple diagnostic test, so your GP will need to go through a process of elimination.

Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and ME include profound exhaustion, muscle pain, memory loss or concentration, sore throat or enlarged lymph glands, abdominal pain, fever or chills, sensitivity to light, noise and smell, disturbed sleep patterns and persistent headaches.

Sufferers often complain of disturbed sleep, but in many cases, a good night’s sleep will not make any difference. When CFS/ME was first outlined as a condition in the 1980s many doctors were skeptical about whether it was a real condition or ‘all in the mind.’

In fact, around 20 percent of sufferers are so severely affected that they are either house or bed-bound and have enormous difficulty performing even basic personal tasks unaided. For most people, however, the illness is less severe. The vast majority of people find that their symptoms fluctuate from day today.

Get Rid Of Fatigue and Weakness