Wife was crying

Who is it hurting,you?children? Her?has she askedyou for help?here is wisdom.my mother in law lost both her daughters within a few years apart,45yrs46.one of them was mywife.but i had been at hospitals,driving for her,just being there as support,never said much.months later when ever i would visit she would beso happy to see me ,then kaboom sheis crying,,,again,,,anything or nothing… Read More »

Aik Matric Fail Ka Qissa

Earthquake can be defined as a sudden jolt or tremor given to the earth by some interior disorder in a volcano. Many earthquakes are so gentle as to pass almost unrecognized, other are sufficiently pronounced to excite general alarm, while some spread enormous destruction. Destructive earthquakes are usually confined to limited regions. The usual phenomena recorded in well-known… Read More »


deeply pious and ascetic Muslim who was one of the most important religious figures in early Islam. Ḥasan was born nine years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. One year after the Battle of Ṣiffīn (657), he moved to Basra, a military camp town situated 50 miles (80 km) northwest of the Persian Gulf. From this base, military expeditions to… Read More »

Super foods That Keep Your Body and Mind Strong

Superfoods are nutrient-rich and a catalyst for good health and overall well-being. Not only do they optimize your immune system (fewer missed workdays), but they also have body-healing compounds, reduce inflammation (bad disease instigator), and can kill off harmful bacteria. Added bonus: People who regularly consume super foods are healthier and thinner. What could be better than that?Obviously, your success and… Read More »

Quranic scholarship of male weakness

There once was a small silver factory in a city called Kathmandu, the Nepali capital. Our story begins in the year 2005. During that year the factory offered jobs to twenty outstanding silver smiths, who created the most amazing jewelry. Dambar, the owner of the factory, was looking for more customers to buy his stunning products. More customers… Read More »

How to Heal and Keep Your Gut Happy All The Time

Gut Health: The gut is composed of a whole host of microbes that affect your physiology and keep your body and brain functioning as they should. As studies tell us, these gut microbes affect the way you store fat, how you balance levels of glucose in your blood, and how you respond to hormones that make you feel hungry… Read More »