Just 2 minutes of work that will make you slim

By | October 9, 2019

Did you know that you can visualize your way to health? Even success?I know that may sound woo-woo, but hang on.For sure, getting the health you want requires making conscientious choices—but once you know how, that stuff becomes second nature and doesn’t feel like work. It just becomes a way of life.Too often though, women don’t even get started, or they quit before they’ve gotten very far,

because they don’t believe that they can have the body or health they desire.Here are some of the common statements I hear when patients first come to me:

These defeatist thoughts are uber-common and set us up to fail. The trickiest part of changing health is changing our beliefs. But once we do, the changes we make last forever.

Most of us were taught that health was either something we had or didn’t have—maybe it’s just in our genes, for example—and we certainly weren’t taught it’s something we can control!

We tend to think negatively about our bodies and our ability to make shift happen. We hand our health over to experts. We focus on the obstacles. And we get STUCK. Because what happens in our mind has a tremendous influence over what happens in our body!

Just 2 minutes of work that will make you slim