Gunah Ya Nikkah

By | October 9, 2019

Adultery, fornication and other forms of sexual immorality have been in the news a lot lately. The military in particular is undergoing a top-to-bottom review of its sexual policies because of various misdeeds of its officers and troops. From the lowest to the highest offices in the land, marital infidelity and sexual improprieties are the buzzwords.Tabloids scream the latest “love triangle”discovered.

Magazines contest each other to picture the cover girl with the least covering. Headlines tease readers with articles about sex. Within their pages sex sins of every stripe come out of the closet.

Whether its movies, the Internet, bars, parties, homosexual activities, parades or whatever, sex is the vehicle that attracts interest. It has even encroached into children’s cartoons, books, magazines and videos!

“Living in sin” is now par for the course. People refer, not to husbands or wives, but to “significant others.” They speak of “satellite relationships” rather than affairs. Perversions have been downgraded to “personal sexual expressions.” What was once shameful is now acceptable.

Why is sex promoted so extensively? Because sin is pleasurable, and sex sins are particularly so. Moses chose to forego the “passing pleasures of sin” (Hebrews 11:25) for a greater ultimate reward and pleasure. Unaware of their glorious potential, the people of this world are busy “serving various lusts and pleasures”.

Gunah Ya Nikkah