Obvious symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in the body

By | January 26, 2021

Vitamin D is important for strong bones, muscles and overall health. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is necessary for the production of vitamin D in the skin and is the best natural source of vitamin D. 

UV radiation from the sun is also the main cause of skin cancer. 

Small amounts of the vitamin D you need can be obtained through food (about 5 – 10 per cent). Fish and eggs naturally have some vitamin D, while margarine and some milks have added vitamin D.

The body can only absorb a limited amount of vitamin D at a time. Spending extra time in the sun will not increase vitamin D levels – but will increase your risk of skin cancer.Daily exercise also assists with the body’s production of vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiency does not always have obvious symptoms but without treatment there can be significant health effects. These can include bone and muscle pain, and softening of the bones – such as rickets (in children) and osteomalacia (in adults).

Obvious symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in the body