Magical Weight Loss Soup | Fast Weight Loss Diet

By | September 8, 2020

If you are still trying to drop a few pounds after the holidays or you want to slim down for an upcoming event, you have got to try this Weight Loss Magic Soup. It is a combination of a couple of weight loss soup recipes that have been around for years – Weight Watchers Garden Vegetable Soup and the Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe. The addition of a can of kidney beans adds fiber and protein which helps with feeling fuller for a longer period of time.

Feel free to add or subtract vegetables to your taste. The benefit of this soup is that it tastes great and it really does help you lose weight. The magic is that the more you eat – the more weight you lose!

This smoothie is naturally sweet and delicious and loaded with so much that is good for you. The golden color from the yellow and orange fruits and carrots give it a much more appetizing color than most detox smoothies.

This Sesame Chicken Stir Fry is a knock-off version of the Lean Cuisine Sesame Chicken. It is a healthier and lighter dish for when you are craving Chinese food,

Magical Weight Loss Soup | Fast Weight Loss Diet

but don’t want all the calories. With this recipe you also get a bigger serving size for almost the same amount of calories as what you buy in the box at the store.

For only 240 calories you can a tasty and filling breakfast sandwich. This recipe makes 24 breakfast sandwiches that can be frozen and then quickly heated up for those busy mornings when you need to grab something quick