Baking Soda For Feet Whitening

By | September 8, 2020

Baking soda is a kitchen ingredient that is used in making desserts and other yummy treats. But that’s not all that it does, we give you 10 reasons to stock up baking soda in your beauty cabinet as it can do wonders for your skin. From banishing acne to keeping your feet happy, and from eliminating body odour to lightening blemishes, here’s why baking soda is a must-have home remedy.

We share the several benefits of baking soda for skin and the right way to use it to enhance your beauty.Glowing skin is a sign of healthy, youthful skin and isn’t easy to achieve.

Unless you eat healthy, have an impeccable skincare routine and get eight hours of sleep, adding a glow to your skin is not easy. However, natural ingredients that are packed with essential nutrients can come to your rescue.

We use baking soda and orange juice to make this pack and their properties help boost the skin’s collagen and remove impurities,Oranges are packed with vitamin C,

that adds a natural glow in your skin while baking soda gently exfoliates the skin removing the layer of dead skin cells.

Baking Soda For Feet Whitening

How to use it

  1. Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with double the amount of fresh orange juice.
  2. Now evenly apply a thin layer of this paste on your face and neck.
  3. Make sure you wash your face before you do this.
  4. Leave it to dry for about 15 minutes.
  5. Using a wet cotton pad, wipe it off and then splash cool water to remove any residue.
  6. Use this pack once a week to remove dullness and add that much-needed glow into your skin.