Category Archives: Women Health

Stretch marks: Why they appear and how to get rid of them

A stretch mark is a type of scar that develops when our skin stretches or shrinks quickly. The abrupt change causes the collagen and elastin, which support our skin, to rupture. As the skin heals, stretch marks may appear. Not everyone develops these narrow bands on their skin. Fluctuating hormone levels seem to play a role. You may… Read More »

Obvious symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in the body

Vitamin D is important for strong bones, muscles and overall health. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is necessary for the production of vitamin D in the skin and is the best natural source of vitamin D.  UV radiation from the sun is also the main cause of skin cancer.  Small amounts of the vitamin D you need… Read More »

The power of Pakistani women

Women in Pakistan make up 48.76% of the population according to the 2017 census of Pakistan.Women in Pakistan have played an important role throughout Pakistan’s history and they are allowed to vote in elections since 1956.In Pakistan, women have held high offices including that of the Prime Minister, Speaker of the National Assembly, Leader of the Opposition, as well as federal ministers, judges,and serving commissioned… Read More »

How many sperms should there be for pregnancy

You may know it takes one sperm and one egg to make a baby, but if you’re like most folks, you might not remember much else about sperm from biology class. If infertility is an issue for you and your partner, it helps to understand the basics. How long do sperm live? The answer depends on a number of things, but… Read More »

10 Tips to Achieve Anything You Want in Life

I’m no stranger to feeling stuck in life. I’ve trained with some of the best coaches on the planet during my 20-year sports career, and again when I competed in the 2008 Olympics. But when I wanted to start my own company, to share my knowledge about motivational psychology and training with others, it wasn’t as easy as I’d… Read More »

Indigenous recipes for lack of milk in women

Breastfeeding mothers sometimes turn to herbs to help increase their breast milk supply. There are a number of plants that are believed to promote breastfeeding and boost milk production. So, if you feel you need to or want to make more breast milk, here’s a list of 10 breastfeeding herbs that may help. When Herbs May Help You are more… Read More »

What is a wife’s responsibility to her husband

Between 2005 and 2010, one in ten married couples in Indonesia got divorced, according to data from the Supreme Court. In 70% of the cases, the wife initiated the divorce. The trend has only increased since then, rising by 80% between 2010 and 2015. Why are women twice as likely as men to seek a divorce? One assumption… Read More »

Blacken white hair with Homemade Tips

Premature greying is one of the maladies of modern lifestyle. Those dreaded streaks of silver and white pop up even when you are in your 20s. And, the only option you are left with is to look for foolproof home remedies to turn your grey hair into black. They may say that greying is a sign of wisdom… Read More »