Category Archives: Desi Totkay

Indigenous recipes for lack of milk in women

Breastfeeding mothers sometimes turn to herbs to help increase their breast milk supply. There are a number of plants that are believed to promote breastfeeding and boost milk production. So, if you feel you need to or want to make more breast milk, here’s a list of 10 breastfeeding herbs that may help. When Herbs May Help You are more… Read More »

Description of the things that are makrooh and forbidden in prayer

Praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.We previously published a brief work entitled “Muharamaat: Prohibitions that are taken too lightly”, which discussed some of the various offences against Sharee’ah which may involve shirk and major and minor sins. Evidence for these things being prohibited… Read More »

What is a wife’s responsibility to her husband

Between 2005 and 2010, one in ten married couples in Indonesia got divorced, according to data from the Supreme Court. In 70% of the cases, the wife initiated the divorce. The trend has only increased since then, rising by 80% between 2010 and 2015. Why are women twice as likely as men to seek a divorce? One assumption… Read More »

Blacken white hair with Homemade Tips

Premature greying is one of the maladies of modern lifestyle. Those dreaded streaks of silver and white pop up even when you are in your 20s. And, the only option you are left with is to look for foolproof home remedies to turn your grey hair into black. They may say that greying is a sign of wisdom… Read More »

Make yourself Beautiful forever

To stay young and beautiful is the dream of everyone, either men or women. Everyone want the flawless skin, shiny hairs & a healthy lifestyle. You can easily make your dreams come true not by using any beauty products or throwing money on expensive courses or classes. The key to the door of the healthy lifestyle is in… Read More »

Want to Get Rid of Back Pain

There are a wide variety of natural remedies to soothe your back, which can help reduce the intake of medications or provide an added benefit to your existing medical treatment. Take a look at these natural pain-relieving strategies and find out what works best for you: Read on to learn more about effective pain-relieving strategies for chronic back… Read More »

Best Foods You’re Not Eating

If your super food rotation is stuck on repeat—spinach salad for lunch, salmon with broccoli and brown rice for dinner—it’s time to shuffle up your plate. Research shows that people who consume the widest range of foods tend to have smaller waists, lower blood pressure levels, and less risk of diabetes and heart disease than those who stick to the… Read More »