Beauty Experts Reveal the Four Common Types of Acne

By | February 12, 2020

BLACKHEADS: Blackheads appear as tiny black dots through your T-zone due to clogged oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. They are dark in color because the oil in the open pore is exposed to air and oxidizes – causing the blockage to turn black.

Exfoliate the target area with a salicylic acid which will help to dissolve the blockage inside the pore as well as the dead skin collecting around the pore,’ the beauty experts said. ‘As a preventative measure, start with a double cleanse, to ensure that you get right into the pores.’ Try adding a night serum or cleansing oil to your routine.

WHITE HEADS: Whiteheads, also known as a closed comedo, form when dead skin cells or oil become trapped within one of your pores. The tiny bumps feel firm and textured and appear near or on the surface of the skin. You can treat whiteheads the same way you would blackheads by double cleansing inside the pore and then exfoliating.

‘Exfoliating will help remove any dead skin that’s covering the pore and preventing oil from flowing out onto the skin creating a bump,’ the beauty experts said. Apply a detoxifying mask after you’ve exfoliated.

Beauty Experts Reveal the Four Common Types of Acne