Advice: Never give up on life

By | May 9, 2024

Have you ever tried to do something that felt really, really hard? Something that seemed almost impossible to achieve?

Well, you’re not alone! We all face challenges in our lives and, sometimes, it feels like we should just give up, whether it is an assignment that we have been working on for many days or a drawing that we are trying hard to make. I know because I have been through this feeling several times in my life. And, guess what, I succeeded at far more things than those that I didn’t and the secret behind my trying was ‘never giving up’. Yes, it was the key to reaching my dreams.

Think about something you’ve wanted to do, but found really difficult, like riding a bike, learning to swim, or mastering a tough math or tech problem. At first, it might seem like you’ll never get it right. You might fall off the bike, gulp down some pool water, or may drown, or make mistakes in your math homework. It can be frustrating, but that’s okay!

The truth is, it’s okay to fail. Failing is just a stepping stone on the path to success. When something is hard and seems out of your control, it’s important to remember that you have the power within you to keep going. All you need is the strength to hold onto yourself and the belief that you can do it, even if you fail many times.

We always give the example of the great inventor, Thomas Edison, who created the light bulb, after attempting several times and failing. Imagine if he had given up after a few failed attempts, we might still be using candles for light! Or think about how astronauts need to train for years to go into space. They don’t give up when things get tough, and that’s how they achieve amazing things.

Never give up

What I learnt through many experiences of my trials, failures and trials is ‘learning’. Remember, every time you try and don’t succeed, you’re learning something new. You come to know what doesn’t work, and believe me kids, it is the most important part of finding out what does work.

The second most important thing in the process I learnt, was strength. Every time you keep trying, you’re building your inner strength. You’re showing yourself that you can face challenges and overcome them.

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