7 Silent Symptoms of a Heart Attack

By | September 19, 2021

Heart attack remains Nigeria’s number one killer disease, with three out of 10 Nigerians having a cardiovascular disease, according to Health Facts.

While chest pain or pressure, cold sweat or extreme weakness are some of the most common signs of a heart attack, there are other more subtle signs people who are about to have a heart attack could miss.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, see a doctor. Noticing heart attack signs early and getting prompt treatment can save your life.

This is one of the most common symptoms seen in heart attack patients, especially women. People on the verge of a heart attack may feel very tired and unable to perform their usual activities.

According to WebMD, this is because, during a heart attack, blood flow to the heart is reduced, putting extra stress on the muscle, which could make you feel exhausted.

To be safe, do not hesitate to ask your doctor to do an electrocardiogram (EKG), which checks heart activity. It can detect a heart attack.

7 Silent Symptoms of a Heart Attack