You Are Sitting In A Party And You Get a Call

By | April 18, 2024

Phone calls are meant to be made standing up! I can’t emphasize this enough.  People who speak with passion and energy close more sales.  People who speak with passion and energy have a higher level of sales motivation.  Gee, they go together.   Not difficult, but amazing how it gets lost in translation somewhere along the way.

Recently, I was talking to a salesperson who over the years has delivered good results for his company.   Year in and year out, this person always ranked in the middle of the pack.  What I found interesting is how whenever I would talk to him on the phone, it was as if I was pulling his teeth or something else very painful.  His voice lacked energy and passion. In fact, it was downright poor.

Yes, I know I wasn’t a customer and he could be putting on a different voice for me than he would for a customer, but I was still shocked.  After talking with him a couple of times, I came away wondering how many sales has he lost due to his lack of passion and energy.  Your phone skills matter!

People who have energy and passion on customer calls have passion and energy on all calls.  I don’t care who you are, it’s difficult to be able to turn it on and turn it off on cue.

Do yourself a favor and record some of your calls. Listen to them and ask yourself, “Do I have energy and passion?”  One of the easiest ways to increase both is by making your calls standing up and with a high-quality headset.

You are sitting in a party and you get a call

By standing up and talking with your hands free, you’re in a much better position to be expressive.

Secondly, ask yourself if you would rather talk to someone on the phone who is upbeat or downbeat?  That’s a pretty simple question to answer, so doesn’t it make sense to be upbeat?

If you truly care about your customer and your ability to help them, you’ll have passion. If you stand up and get engaged when you make a call, you’ll have energy.

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