Why Are Women Always Ungrateful?

By | December 17, 2020

From personal experience and after aggregating the views of many married men, I realised our women are never grateful no matter what you do for them.

They always feel shortchanged and crave for something better. For example, I have established a business for my wife, taken her abroad for vacation and fended for her family as little as I can.

Yet, she is always complaining I have not done enough. She feels my immediate family gets more from me. In all honesty, I am certain I have been more generous to her family than mine.

Can fellow married men share their experiences and discuss why our women can’t seem to have enough. They never say thank you and expect you to do more whether or not you are capable.

From personal experience and after aggregating the views of many married men, I realised our women are never grateful no matter what you do for them.

They always feel shortchanged and crave for something better. For example, I have established a business for my wife, taken her abroad for vacation and fended for her family as little as I can.

 Why Are Women Always Ungrateful

Yet, she is always complaining I have not done enough. She feels my immediate family gets more from me. In all honesty, I am certain I have been more generous to her family than mine.

Can fellow married men share their experiences and discuss why our women can’t seem to have enough. They never say thank you and expect you to do more whether or not you are capable.