Who Can Forget This Picture

By | April 6, 2024

The Internet is a wide, wild place, full of wonders and horrors. Perhaps your curiosity got the better of you and you wandered onto a nasty webpage. Maybe you unwittingly opened a link to a horrible, triggering picture. Either way, you saw something awful, and it haunts you. To forget what you saw, you’ll need to move forward, let go, and fill your mind with happier images.

Overwriting the Memory

Use thought substitution to overwrite the horrible image. The idea behind thought substitution (sometimes called thought displacement) is that you have the ability to control what you think and how you react.

You can intentionally forget bad memories by filling your mind with more positive things.Your brain has a limited focus, and you can only keep so many thoughts in your immediate sphere of awareness. Try to replace the negative memory by exposing your brain to something brighter.

Watch a happy or inspirational video, lose yourself in a story, or just look at pictures of cute animals.

  • Try to redirect your attention to whatever activity you’re doing to bring yourself back to the present.
Who can forget this picture