When the Messenger of Allah (saw) Split the Moon

By | December 30, 2020

The moon split in two was one of the many miracles attributed to Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). By Allah’s permission, this miracle was performed during a night of the full moon in Mecca when the Prophet was challenged by the disbelievers to prove his prophethood.

How did the miracle of the moon splitting occur?

The miracle of the splitting of the moon occurred before the migration to Medina upon the demands of the polytheists with the permission of God and it was shown by the prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) as narrated by many of his companions.

The Quraish polytheists said to the prophet Muhammad (ﷺ):

“If you truly are a Prophet that has been appointed by Allah, then split the moon in half. Let it be in such a way that one half will appear over the Mount Abu Qubais and the other half will be seen over Mount Quayqian.”

The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) asked:

“If I do it, will you become Muslims?”

The polytheists answered:

“Yes, we will.”

When the Messenger of Allah (saw) split the moon