What is the best juice to drink before going to bed

By | October 15, 2019

Really, you should not drink anything other than water (or possible herbal tea, good health benefits from that) when going to bed. Why? Because whilst they have good effects for the ay, they can be bad for the night. Addition of bacteria roaming in the mouth, teeth and tongue, urine stimulants being over-excite, and perhaps your bowels being irritated. Now, to answer your question,

you want the best juice. Now don’t take in too much acid, too much sugar, too much fat, but what is actually good?Instead of orange juice, drink tart cherry juice!

Orange juice is full in sugar and will be detrimental to a good night’s sleep, so you might want to avoid that. Plus, it is quite an acidic substance, meaning your urine will most likely be irritated at night,

needing you to wake up many times (2–4 times at least) during the night to clear it up. Also, DO NOT drink mango juice, as that will make you need to empty your bowels often. This is because it is quite a powerful natural laxative (trust me, I’ve done that mistake, it’s horrible).

You must have drink this natural juice before going to bed