What is Adultery?

By | December 21, 2020

I saw him in class. I could tell right away there was something different about him. He wasn’t a flirt and he certainly wasn’t disrespectful. The more I got to know him, the more I knew Chris was the one. The one I would spend my life with. The one I could give my heart to. The person I could give my body, soul, and life to in an exclusive partnership of selfless love.

I knew I could trust him with all of me. I knew I could enter into a lifelong commitment that would be filled with making breakfast together, folding endless amounts of laundry,

afternoon and evening delights, and sharing the headaches and joys of being parental units to three kids. As the Song of Solomon says, “I have found the one my soul loves.”


Whether you’re married or not, whether your marriage is good or not, you’re looking at the person who will commit their lives to you for a lifetime.

At least that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Our culture screams that monogamy is “so last decade” or so you would think by looking at the growing trend in American marriages ending in divorce.

One of the biggest factors is adultery. Typically, adultery occurs when a married person engages in a sexual relationship with someone other than the person to whom they are married.

What is adultery