What Are The Effects Of Not Eating Breakfast

By | January 31, 2024

You may have heard many times that breakfast is the most important meal of the day

And if you are wondering why? The answer lies in the name itself – break the fast that you have undergone through the night.

Some people can’t imagine starting their day without a bowl of oatmeal or a plate of eggs. Others, on the other hand, are repulsed by the mere concept of eating anything before lunch. 

However, if skipping breakfast becomes a daily habit, your health may suffer long-term consequences.

Listed below are the side effects of skipping breakfast

Table of Contents

  • Side Effects of not Eating Breakfast 
    • 1- Your Body Deprives of Essential Nutrients 
    • 2- Leaves Negative Effect on Your Energy and Mood
    • 3- Affects Your Cognitive Functioning
    • 4- Slows Down Your Metabolism 
    • 5- You Get Unhealthy Cravings 
    • 6- Causes Weight Gain 
    • 7- You can Get Migraine 
    • 8- You are at Higher Risk of Type 2 Diabetes 
    • 9- Your Immunity Goes Down
    • 10- Your Cortisol Level Increases 
    • 11- Increases Acidity Levels in Your Body 

Side Effects of not Eating Breakfast 

Do you avoid eating breakfast because you’re always rushing to get to work? Or are you not accustomed to eating anything in the morning since you are not hungry? 

Well, we may all have different reasons for skipping our morning breakfast. If you are doing so, it is critical that you consider the following side effects of skipping breakfast: 

1- Your Body Deprives of Essential Nutrients 

Breakfast is also a perfect time to gain essential nutrients like fibre and vitamins to help you get through the day. As a result, skipping breakfast may cause you to ingest insufficient levels of them, resulting in long-term health consequences.

What is the recommendation? Find out what works for you. If you don’t feel hungry right away in the morning, wait an hour or two before eating something. 

2- Leaves Negative Effect on Your Energy and Mood

If you have been skipping breakfast on a daily basis and have noticed that your behavior has become unpredictable, and irritated, and your energy levels have decreased, you can blame it on your breakfast deprivation. 

What are the effects of not eating breakfast

In other words, the side effects of not eating breakfast may include a negative impact on subsequent energy levels. There is scientific evidence that skipping breakfast has negative consequences for people, such as increased fatigue and worse cognition. 

So, the next time you’re feeling tired and irritable for no apparent reason, consider whether you’ve had breakfast.