Weight Loss Remedy

By | January 4, 2020

Losing weight without dieting sounds like some Harry Potter nonsense. But physician Michael Greger, author of the best-selling health book “How Not To Die” and founder of the myth-busting Web site NutritionFacts.org, says it’s absolutely doable — with science, not magic.

“I hate diet books,” writes the doctor in his new weight-loss book, “How Not To Diet: The Groundbreaking Science of Healthy, Permanent Weight Loss” (Flatiron Books, Dec. 10). Watch the following video for natural home remedies to get rid of extra fat and be slim and smart.

“You don’t need anecdotes when you have evidence,” Greger says. And he has plenty. His nearly 600-page anti-diet book (a slim volume, it’s not) distills thousands of studies and sources into what Greger calls a “novel weight-loss strategy” based on “the best available evidence.”

“The biggest myth is that you have to eat less to lose weight,” Greger tells The Post. “‘Eat less, move more’ is the standard advice you hear because supposedly a calorie is a calorie . . . but 100 calories from Chiclets is different from 100 calories of chicken or 100 calories of chickpeas. It’s about what your body absorbs.”

Weight Loss Remedy
Weight Loss Remedy