Weight Loss Remedy for Weight Loss By Zubaida Apa

By | September 12, 2019

Being one of those khawateen who have more knowledge about the kitchen than what you would expect, Zubaida Tariq managed to appear our TV screens and became our Ammi jaan’s and daadi jaan’s favorite in no time. Since, she has her roots back in Hyderabad Deccan, her salees Urdu and attire consisting of a banarasi saaree were something unique; putting all of that aside,

what made her our favorite was all those desi totkas that she would share with her audience, about almost everything you could ever think of. From hair loss to skin issues and health problems,

Zubaida aapa ke totkay is a phrase that everyone is aware of. And yes, those totkas actually have done wonders for many of us. Weight loss is something that she has spoken about a lot of times,

and thus for all those ghareloo khawateen aur hazraat that are too lazy to work out and/or need a desi fix for their fat bellies, here are the best of totkas for weight loss that have worked for real.

Weight Loss Remedy for Weight Loss By Zubaida Apa