Wedding Day Is Over

By | October 12, 2019

No matter how many weddings you’ve attended before, or how many times you’ve been a bridesmaid, there are some things you just don’t find out about until your wedding day.Talk to anyone who’s gone through it before and they’ll tell you that your wedding day absolutely flies by. You’ll be so busy going from one thing to the next that before you know it, you’ll be cutting the cake.

You may already know that you need an emergency kit (just in case), that it can be difficult to use the bathroom in your ball gown, and to pack a stain remover.

But aside from the logistics, there are tons of intangible, special moments that make up the wedding day itself. Here, 10 truths about the wedding day that no one ever talks about.

The time leading up to the walk down the aisle will be the most anxiety-ridden 10 minutes you’ll ever have. And it makes sense—you’re about to make a life-changing decision in front of all the people you love and care about the most.

Just remember that your other half is waiting for you at the end of the journey and you’re going to have a huge party to celebrate (not to mention the reason why you said “yes” in the first place).

Wedding day is over