Wazifa For Barkat In Rizq

By | November 5, 2019

This is a very effective vazeefa for general success in matters of daily life. you have to say the fajar prayer daily and between sunat and farz if you recite this  just for 100 times daily in some days good luck and the doors of fortune will open for you.“subhan allahe wabehamdahe subhanallhail azeem wabehamdahe astgferulah”If someone is facing problems in his/her business or have started a new one he will have success if he does this wazeefa regularly.

The heart of sura yaseen “salamun qulam mer raber raheem”.After isha prayer sit in an empty quiet room and burn any incense which suits your mood and makes you feel good.now recite this for 1100 times and all the hurdles in the business  will be removed.

Everybody wants to lead a successful and a happy life ,this is the best and most easiest wazifa for a happy and successful life,the best part is you dont have to do it on any particular time just read it while walking or during your work.the words to be recited are “subhan al malik ul qudus”

If someone has lost his lover or wants her ex to come back he shall do this,get the targets picture and make a very strong imagination that even without the picture you can make an image of the person ,now recite this famous verse for love and affection

”wa alqaeeto aleeqa muhabatum mini”which means im entering my love inside your soul.after each 100 times blow it on the imaginary image of the loved one ,in 3 days you will get 100 percent  results.

A small wazifa that will open the door for you to stay