Umar (R.A) Used A Harsh Word

By | March 4, 2020

Tradition and stubbornness tied his hands. Five years passed before these ties were broken. The sun rose and set hundreds of times during five years. He slept and awoke hundreds of times. But his hands were always bound.  His being able to easily move his hands and arms fooled him. The acts of pulling his sword, putting a water jug on his head and brandishing his spear did not allow him to see the ties.

What was happening in Mecca? Five years had passed since Muhammad (pbuh) announced his apostleship. There were a handful of people around him. They met secretly in private houses.

What were they after? A tall, light-complexioned and imposing man, Umar was beside himself when he learned that his sister had become Muslim. Ignoring that she was pregnant,

he beat her. Infuriated, he went to the Kaaba. It was nighttime. Muhammad had entered the Kaaba and was performing salat. Hidden under the covers of the Kaaba,

Umar was listening to him curiously. After the Prophet finished his worship, he followed him. Realizing that he was being followed, the Prophet asked, “Who’s there?” “Umar!” replied a voice from the dark.

“Hey, Umar! You are with me day and night!” responded Muhammad. At that moment Umar became aware of the ties that he had not been able to see for five years.Saying that there was no god but Allah and that Muhammad was His prophet, he chose freedom.

Umar used a harsh word