Top Six Daily Habits of People with Flawless and Clear Skin

By | February 7, 2023

We often look at people with flawless skin and think how lucky they are to be blessed with such radiance. Genes do make it easy, but a good skincare routine is extremely important for maintaining radiant skin. Here are nine daily habits followed by people who have glowing skin:

Flawless and Clear Skin Home Remedy

1. They always use UV protection: Experts constantly stress how important sunscreen is for protection against harmful UV rays. People with flawless skin not only apply sunscreen generously every day of the year, but they also go one step further and wear sun-protective clothing and accessories like hats to shield their faces from the sun. Sunscreen alone doesn’t save you from getting a tan, so covering your body when going out is important too in order to avoid getting sunburnt.

New York-based dermatologist Karyn Grossman even got UV-blocking film on her car windows to protect her skin while driving.

2. They use chemical exfoliators instead of physical scrubs:

Physical scrubs with coarse, chunky grains can damage your skin and cause microtears and irritation if you over-scrub. Chemical exfoliators on the other hand trigger cell turnover that helps the skin shed dead tissue more effectively, and they also stimulate collagen production. Karyn Grossman uses retinoids or alpha hydroxy acids for exfoliating.

3. They always remove makeup before bed:

Sleeping in your makeup after coming home can clog your pores and cause breakouts and inflammation because pollution and dirt particles also stick to your skin along with it. Washing your face with a gentle cleanser before going to bed is the best option to ensure clear skin.

For times when you are too exhausted to go to the sink, make sure you wipe your face with makeup remover wipes as Karyn does. Keep a pack on your bedside so you have no excuse to skip.

Flawless and Clear Skin Home Remedy