Top Best Home Remedies For Cancer

By | September 17, 2019

Oral cancer, also called mouth cancer, is more common in men than women. It usually starts at the lower pallet and the tongue. It spreads quickly to other areas of the mouth, including the gums, salivary glands, inner cheeks, throat, tonsils and even the esophagus. Without proper care and treatment, the cancerous cells can spread to the neck, head and the other parts of the body.

The American Institute for Cancer Research recommends patients to increase consumption of cancer fighting foods like leafy green vegetables and cruciferous vegetables (like cabbage).

These foods reduce the size of tumors and prevent them from spreading and recurring, thanks to their potent anticancer properties.Green tea is loaded with antioxidants that help flush,

out free radicals and other harmful organisms from the body. These are the organisms that can trigger oral cancer or aggravate its symptoms. Drinking green tea within limits (two cups) daily can help reduce the symptoms of oral cancer and prevent recurrences.

Top Best Home Remedies For Cancer