Toothpaste A Necessity of Daily Life

By | May 23, 2023

Toothpaste is a gel or paste that removes the sticky film of bacteria constantly formed on the teeth surfaces, known as plaque. Toothpaste is used for brushing teeth with a toothbrush and is rinsed off later.

Toothpaste is important to oral health because it fights off gum disease (gingivitis) and contains fluoride, strengthening the tooth enamel and preventing tooth decay.

Furthermore, toothpaste also contains abrasives to clean and whiten teeth, which flavours freshening breath and gives better visual appeal.

This article will provide a brief overview of toothpaste – its history, ingredients, different formulations, and issues relating to safety.


Toothpaste is by no means the invention of modern times. Around 3,000–5,000 BC, Egyptians were the first to develop a dental cream that contained powdered ashes from an ox, myrrh, eggshells, and pumice, to remove debris from teeth. Later, water was added at the time of use.

Some 1,000 years later, Greeks and Romans added more abrasives to the powder mixture, for example, crushed bones and oyster shells.

Romans also appear to be the first to add flavors, help with bad breath, and make their paste more edible.

What is Toothpaste

Around the same time, China and India were using a powder/paste with flavorings, such as ginseng, herbal mints, and salt, thereby resembling toothpaste which is not too dissimilar from those used nowadays.

The most common issues with ancient toothpaste were the high level of abrasive, poor taste, and high cost.

In 1914 came undoubtedly one of the most important breakthroughs in the history of toothpaste – the introduction of fluoride.