Tips to Save and Restore Your Relationship / Marriage

By | March 11, 2020

If you read this article, you are most likely in a relationship or marriage that is currently not going well. If you have the feeling that a divorce or relationship breakdown might occur in the (short) term, then you have come to the right place.

I wrote this article to provide you with a large number of tips to prevent such a divorce or breach of relationship. Problems often seem unsolvable, but it actually rarely happens that a relationship is really irreparably damaged. So do you want to save your marriage and be happy again with your partner? Then quickly read my 17 golden tips below.

Get the relationship where your partner is 100% committed to you, without annoying tensions

Golden tip # 1: Name the problem Before you start doing anything else, it is important that you identify the problems in your relationship. This can be frustrating, but it is an essential step. If you do not agree on the nature of the problem, the arguments and accusations will only increase. So first name the problem.

Tips to Save and Restore Your Relationship / Marriage