Those who are married and children, their names..

By | September 23, 2019

A second ago, you may have been drinking coffee. Now, as you put down your coffee, that moment of you sipping that cup of coffee, which is a second ago, is already gone.The past is “gone” — the past is your perception of what happened; you can also call it “your memory.” Most of the time, the past is the meaning your mind has assigned to events which happened. Such events are inherently empty,

be it a kiss on the cheek, a walk on the beach, having children, or more traumatic events like accident, death, and abuse. And most of us, including myself, walk around assigning meaning to our past,

and projecting our past into the present and future — in relationships, in work, in life.If you notice, most of us repeat the same patterns over and over again,

in relationships, at work, even if circumstances don’t “appear” the same. In most cases, this wheel of cycle continues till we die, or even after we die. Ignorance is the unawareness that we repeat the cycle and the past conditioning over and over again,,,,

Those who are married and children, their names
Those who are married and children, their names