This Is What Your Sitting Styles Reveals About Your Personality And Mood

By | September 2, 2019

Your sitting style can vary as per your mood. Psychologists have proved that the sitting position of a person talks a lot about our intentions and personality. The sitting position shows our hidden instincts and wishes. This has been always a great technique for interviewers to know about you as a person. It’s not just the workplace but it’s a great way to check someone’s mood or personality as well.

Sitting up straight and feet firmly planted on the floor means you are very confident. You get extra points if you use your hands to gesture as you speak. Again, who runs the world?

Crossing your legs toward someone can be a bold statement that says you’re into the person you’re cozying up to. And interestingly it also means that you are feeling insecure.

Sitting cross-legged on the floor or sofa indicates openness. You are loose, casual, and easy-going. It also means you’re agile and athletic.Crossing one whole leg over the other while,

sitting in a chair projects the message that you’ve got very little to hide. And when your feet are planted firmly on the ground, it shows you’re sure of yourself and feeling secure.

This Is What Your Sitting Styles Reveals About Your Personality And Mood