his is an excellent article. So many of the articles I read like this make bold claims but then fall far short of providing useful information.
Your article made me think about the social construction of information and truth. I think a social constructionist perspective ties in with your quote about how people perceive information.
Very well-written. I’ll be sharing this in my mental health newsletter.
Mental illness, the scapegoat
We keep making the same mistakes.
Let’s stop making mental illness the scapegoat.
When we foist our blame on one issue and one issue only, we are almost always wrong.
Mental health exists on a continuum.
Here’s a question.
At which point does a person cross the threshold from mental wellness to mental illness?
If you look at the DSM-5, you’ll get one answer.
If you look at the media, you’ll will get another answer.
If you talk to people about their own lives, you will get infinite number of other answers.
The answer is this: there is no easy…