Dilip Kumar met an old Gentleman in an aircraft

By | July 17, 2021

Flights are much more than just a means of transport. Some of the most interesting incidents take place when you are flying from one city to another.

You often meet interesting people many of whom you might never meet again. However, there are times when an event, encounter or personality is so extraordinary that the experience stays with you forever.

One such incident happened many years ago when veteran film actor Dilip Kumar was at the peak of his career. On a flight, Dilip Kumar was seated next to an old man dressed in simple clothes – a pair of trousers and a plain shirt.

Dilip Kumar was quite popular by then and therefore, turned many heads on the flight. Even as people kept staring at him, the old man continued to look outside the window,

read his newspaper and calmly sip his tea not taking much notice of Kumar’s presence. Also Read – Viral Video: Elephant Helps Guide Blind Friend Towards Food. Netizens Are in Awe | Watch

Dilip Kumar met an old gentleman in an aircraft