The Tragic End of Abu Lahab

By | February 5, 2024

Abu Lahab is the only person from the enemies of Islam who has been cursed by name in the Holy Qur’an. Although he was an uncle of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.), he staunchly opposed Islam from the very beginning. When the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)

climbed Mount Safa and addressed the tribes and his clansmen saying: “O Banu ‘Abd Al-Muttalib, O Banu Fihr, O Banu Lu’ay; would you believe me if I say that there is an enemy at the foot of this mountain behind, ready to launch an attack on you”;

will you believe me?” They said: “Yes. You are Al-Ameen (trustworthy) and Al-Sadiq (truthful) and we have never seen you speak lies. Soon, he declared Prophethood. The people dispersed murmuring silently, but Abu Lahab, who always loved his nephew Mohammed (S.A.W.)

vehemently opposed him because he saw the message as a challenge to his leadership. He cried: “Perish be you… Did you gather us just for this?”
It was a great shock on the first day of the declaration of Prophethood and invitation to the true religion of Islam.

Almighty Allah sealed Abu Lahab’s fate and later revealed Surah 111 in the Holy Quran reading:
“Perished be the hands of Abu Lahab and ruined he be,
Neither his wealth nor what he has earned shall avail him.
He shall shortly roast in a flaming fire.
And his wife — laden with faggots, Shall have a rope of palm fiber round her neck. (Al Qur’an 111:1-5)

The Tragic End of Abu Lahab