The Power of Facebook

By | April 6, 2024

This morning I want to discuss something that has never before been talked about in this church. In fact, I would guess that no one in this town has ever hear a sermon on the topic that we are going to tackle this morning.

And yet, through our discussion of this topic, I believe will better understand how to reach our community. I believe we will better understand how to grow as a church and as individuals, and I believe we’ll better understand the God who created us and loves us like crazy.

The topic that I want to discuss today is Facebook.

For those of you who know what Facebook is, you may wonder why it’s our topic of discussion today.

For those of you who have no idea what Facebook is, let me try to give you a summary:

From it’s own description of itself, Facebook is a website that helps you connect and share with the people in your life. But it is not just any old website. It is now the second most visited website in the world – second only to Google – and will likely become the #1 website within a month or so.

Currently it has over 350 million users. That’s how many people use this website. So what exactly do 350 million people use Facebook for? Well, just to give you an example, let’s say I log into Facebook. The first thing I might do is to update my status. Your status is basically meant to be a brief description of what’s going on in your life at the moment. So for my status I write might write “Dave is preaching a sermon about Facebook.” The when my friends log on to facebook, they will see that I’m preaching a sermon about facebook.

The Power of Facebook