The Plate of Gold by James Henry Leigh Hunt

By | November 28, 2022

One day there fell in great Benares’ temple-court
A wondrous plate of gold, whereon these words were writ;
“To him who loveth best, a gift from Heaven.

There at
The priests made proclamation: “At the midday hour,
Each day, let those assemble who for virtue deem
their right to Heaven’s gift the best; and we will hear
the deeds of mercy done, and so adjudge.”

The news
ran swift as light, and soon from every quarter came
nobles and munshis, hermits, scholars, holy men,
and all renowned for gracious or for splendid deeds,
meanwhile the priests in solemn council sat and heard
what each had done to merit best the gift of Heaven.
So for a year the claimants came and went.

At last,
after a patient weighing of the worth of all,
the priests bestowed the plate of gold on one who seemed,
the largest lover of the race – whose whole estate,
within the year had been parted among the poor.
This man, all trembling with his joy, advanced to take
the golden plate-when lo! at his finger’s first touch
it changed to basest lead! All stood aghast; but when
the hapless claimant dropt it clanging on the floor,
Heaven’s guerdon was again transformed to shining gold.

The priest announced that whoever wants to buy heaven