The Best Advice I Ever Got from My Mother-in-Law

By | October 14, 2019

“My mother-in-law once told me not to make the mistake of prioritizing parents over spouses. Don’t start a tradition where it is expected that you see your parents every weekend because it takes away from the important quality time and traditions you’re trying to build with your own nuclear family. It stuck with me.” — June Tobin. Spend more quality time with your teen doing these 23 activities they’ll actually love.

“My mother-in-law advised me was to take care of myself before I take care of others. This applies in all aspects of life: when I get sick, I take a few days off of work and when someone asks me for a favor,

I make sure it doesn’t cause me any negative repercussions, etc. By focusing on taking care of myself, I don’t make unhealthy decisions like to stay up all night to meet deadlines or work through a cold.

Her advice also applies well to my family, as any choice I make is for the betterment of their lives.”— Akiva Leyton.“‘Always have a secret bank account.’

That’s what my husband’s mother told me right after we were married. She showed me her bank ledger, hidden under clothing in a drawer. She had a wonderful marriage.”

Ramona DiBartolo Manginelli.Don’t miss these 12 strategies to make fighting about money in your marriage a thing of the past.Don’t miss these 12 strategies to make fighting about money in your marriage a thing of the past.

Advice for mother-in-law In Urdu