Take The Time To Read And Write

By | May 1, 2023

If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.”

To that end, I have a confession to make.

I haven’t been reading lately. My stack of “books to read” keeps growing, but rarely does anything get taken off it. Every night I sit down for bed having stared at my computer screen all day, never finding the time to finish the last book I started over a month ago. What’s so unfortunate about this is that my writing has suffered as well.

We both have to nourish ourselves with the fuel of our craft. While athletes need healthy food full of vitamins and protein, writers need books full of brilliant worlds and beautiful prose. Without them, our muse will starve.

I have to be honest here—It’s been a frustrating past few months.

Just like I haven’t found the time to read, work on my sci-fi novel Wolfdog has stalled as well. Other obligations always seem to get in the way of me doing what I want to most—write.

I’m sure many of you’ve had the same experience in the past. Maybe, you’re feeling it now! Or perhaps you’re trying to break free of that rut with the help of

Regardless of where you are in your personal writing journey, finding time to read is the best thing you can do for yourself, next to actually writing.

Take The Time To Read And Write

As I’ve been mulling over this issue, I’ve been trying to find ways to fit reading back into my everyday life. Today, I’d like to share what I’ve come up with, in the hopes that maybe it’ll help someone out there who, like me, has been struggling to make time for their art.

Let’s get out of this rut together!