Tag Archives: Story

Love is blind

Top notch kids online networks offer a protected, fun and friendly virtual space where children will need to invest a great deal of their energy. On the off chance that a youngster just needs to visit a similar recognizable, secure site, guardians can unwind about their kid’s time on the web. Over this however, online networks can likewise… Read More »

I do not like to compete with men …

Top notch kids online networks offer a protected, fun and friendly virtual space where children will need to invest a great deal of their energy. On the off chance that a youngster just needs to visit a similar recognizable, secure site, guardians can unwind about their kid’s time on the web. Over this however, online networks can likewise… Read More »

Hazrat Ali se Ek Sawal

You can however, improve the quality of your life within the time you have — and that includes keeping your mind sharp and vibrant.Just like working out your muscles helps your musculature system stay strong, any activity that involves practice causes the brain to transmit signals in a specific pattern over and over again, allowing for connections between neurons to… Read More »

What happens in the mind of the person at the time of death

When you die you know you’re dead because the brain keeps functioning and you know what’s happening around you, chilling new research suggsts. Medical experts have long debated what happens when a person dies, with anecdotal evidence of bright lights or sensations, and films such as Flatliners exploring the unknown.But a new study suggests a person’s consciousness keeps… Read More »

Needle Hole Or Elephants

Prabhupāda: So we cannot decide by theorizing. But if we take shelter of Kṛṣṇa, here is the perfect knowledge, that aham, “I am the background.” Otherwise, how we can explain? Svābhāvikī jñāna-bala-kriyā ca. Just like if you have to paint one flower or if you have to create some scent, you have to mix so many chemicals. But… Read More »