Husband and wife fight and guest sustenance Full Story You Must Read

By | January 19, 2021

I love to talk about love—even some of the darker parts of coupledom. Things like arguments, fights and problems. After all, without the dark we wouldn’t have the light!

Most of us don’t realize that there are patterns to how we fight as couples…and make-up if we so choose to work at it. Ask yourself:

According to Marriage and Family counselor Dr. John Gottman, a true expert in this field, 69% of marriage conflicts are never solved. Yes, 69%!

That means that we are often having the same fight over and over again.

This is actually good news. Why? If we have similarities or patterns to our fights it means a) we are not alone and b) we can study, predict and course-correct our arguments before they explode.

Dr. John Gottman has over 40 years of research with over 3,000 married couples. He calls these unresolved issues ‘gridlocked’. Watch this video for more:

Husband and wife fight and guest sustenance