Tag Archives: Story

A man was washing his car

It’s seriously harmful.This type of fat — referred to as visceral fat — is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other conditions.Many health organizations use BMI (body mass index) to classify weight and predict the risk of metabolic disease.However, this is misleading, as people with excess belly fat are at an increased risk… Read More »

The First Sound A Secret

Reading and pronouncing words correctly can be a big challenge in English. Why does an “E” sometimes sound like an “eh” and sometime like “ee”? SO MANY students struggle with pronunciation, even after years of practice. Don’t despair! There is hope! 🙂 I found this article super helpful when teaching and I’ve shared it with many of my… Read More »

Please keep up your work

Keep Up The Good Work – How could you say it in different ways with the same meaning? Learn 80 popular ways to use instead of “keep up the good work” with ESL printable infographics.Here is the list of important synonyms for common phrase “Keep Up the Good Work” To stay the course; to continue doing what you are… Read More »

A Boy Fell In Love With A Girl

Do you have your eye on that charming boy? Well, lucky you! This wikiHow will show you how to get a boy in middle school to start liking you. Keep in mind that while you cannot make someone like you, you can make it clear that you’re worth getting to know better. Wow him. If you want that special guy to start noticing… Read More »

Our spending raises my brother

Brothers: can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em, am I right? I actually don’t have any blood-related brothers, just one younger sister, and yet, I’m still a brother. Not a “raised in the same home with the same parents” kind of brother, more of a “brother from another mother.” More specifically, a Brother of Alpha Phi Omega, JMU’s only… Read More »

Homemade goat give milk and honey

You can use goat milk for many things; making cheesecakes, candies, fudge, ice cream. But have you ever considered making a rich, creamy soap out of it?Well, if not, this is your lucky day.Today, I’m going to share with you how you can take all of that white gold that your goats make for you and turn into something… Read More »

Emaan afroz waqiaa

Children can utilize the destinations to interface with different children they know or who have comparative interests, reinforcing and growing their social connections simultaneously. The spotlight that these destinations have on diversions and exercises, frequently consistently refreshed, implies that their time online will be both pleasant and enhancing. Children online networks frequently consolidate instructive substance, some of the… Read More »