Friends who used their women without fear

By | January 20, 2021

Kentucky, USA. A woman known only as SM is walking through Waverly Hills Sanatorium, reputedly one of the “most haunted” places in the world. Now a tourist attraction, the building transforms into a haunted house every Halloween,

complete with elaborate decorations, spooky noises and actors dressed in monstrous costumes. The experience is silly but still unnerving and the ‘monsters’ often manage to score frights from the visitors by leaping out of hidden corners.

But not SM. While others show trepidation before walking down empty corridors, she leads the way and beckons her companions to follow. When monsters leap out,

she never screams in fright; instead, she laughs, approaches and talks to them. She even scares one of the monsters by poking it in the head. SM is a woman without fear.

She doesn’t feel it. She has been held at knifepoint without a tinge of panic.She’ll happily handle live snakes and spiders, even though she claims not to like them.

She can sit through reels of upsetting footage without a single start. And all because a pair of almond-shaped structures in her brain – amygdalae – have been destroyed.

Friends who used their women without fear