Tag Archives: Story

Papa Good bye

Five years passed before these ties were broken. The sun rose and set hundreds of times during five years. He slept and awoke hundreds of times. But his hands were always bound.  His being able to easily move his hands and arms fooled him. The acts of pulling his sword, putting a water jug on his head and… Read More »

What Causes White Marks On Nails

Leukonychia is where white lines or specks show up on your finger or toenails. This is an extremely regular issue and entirely harmless. Numerous sound grown-ups have these spots sooner or later in their lives, so creating them is likely not an indication of a genuine medicinal condition. For a few people, the white spots may show up… Read More »

The meaning of the leaks in the hands

King Solomon is credited with a lot.   He knew everything, he could turn lead into gold, conjure demons and become invisible. Jamaicans even credit him with discovering marijuana.  If you know the Captain Marvel comic book superhero, the keyword he uses to change from Billy Batson to Captian Marvel is an acronym, SHAZAM – the S stands… Read More »

Baby and Lady Doctor Must Read This

An obstetrician is a doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and a woman’s reproductive system. Although other doctors can deliver babies, many women see an obstetrician, also called an OB/GYN. Your obstetrician can take care of you throughout your pregnancy, and give you follow-up care such as annual Pap tests for years to come. OB/GYNs have graduated from… Read More »

People and politicians

Certain nutrients are very important for thyroid function. One of the most important is the mineral iodine. Without it, the thyroid cannot make the hormones that regulate metabolism. Supplementing with iodine, for instance in the form of kelp or dulce (forms of seaweed), may, therefore, help to improve thyroid function. Tylenol also contains Siberian ginseng (which can help… Read More »

The personality of the name

He knew everything, he could turn lead into gold, conjure demons and become invisible. Jamaicans even credit him with discovering marijuana.  If you know the Captain Marvel comic book superhero, the keyword he uses to change from Billy Batson to Captian Marvel is an acronym, SHAZAM – the S stands for Solomon and Solomon gave Cap wisdom. But… Read More »