Tag Archives: Story

I Perform My Duty In The Labor Room Daily

Labor and Delivery nursing involves assisting families throughout the birth process, working on a team with physicians, midwives and other professionals.L&D nurses care for women during both normal and problematic pregnancies, providing information, guidance and hands-on clinical care.They are also important participants in the birth process itself and are key sources of information and support for the whole… Read More »

How to save a home from destruction?

The husband’s advice to his wife.Sure, there’s not much you can do to stop time. You can however, improve the quality of your life within the time you have — and that includes keeping your mind sharp and vibrant.Just like working out your muscles helps your musculature system stay strong, any activity that involves practice causes the brain to transmit… Read More »

Reasons for not accepting prayer

It also happens that, sometimes, you do not get what you want in spite of making every type of possible effort. It may be because Allah might be having some different plan for you which would be the better one. Anyhow, on repeated requests, He (Allah) definitely grants your wish. One of the best ways to bring increase… Read More »

Story of Imam Abu Hanifa

Al-Numan bin Thabit, commonly known as Abu Hanifah or Abu Hanifa, is considered the founder of one of the four schools or rites of Islamic legal knowledge (fiqh) within the Sunni schools of law. He is also widely known as Al-Imam Al-Aẓam (The Great Imam) and Siraj Al-Aimma (The Lamp of the Imams). 1. His birth and lineage: According to most… Read More »

Man and Devil …

It also happens that, sometimes, you do not get what you want in spite of making every type of possible effort. It may be because Allah might be having some different plan for you which would be the better one. Anyhow, on repeated requests, He (Allah) definitely grants your wish. One of the best ways to bring increase… Read More »