Tag Archives: health news

10 Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer That Are Very Important To Know

Cancer may not be on your radar, especially if you’re relatively young and healthy. But it should be, regardless of your age or family history. Each year, nearly  90,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with a gynecologic cancer, such as endometrial (also known as uterine cancer), ovarian cancer or cervical cancer. More than 242,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer.   Most of these cancers occur… Read More »

How Good Is The Use Of A Little Psyllium For Your Health?

Psyllium, similarly to other soluble fibers, passes through the small intestine without being completely broken down or absorbed. Instead, it absorbs water and becomes a viscous compound that benefits constipation, diarrhea, blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, and weight loss. This article explains all there is to know about psyllium, including seven ways it can benefit your health. Psyllium is a soluble fiber derived from… Read More »

Use Garlic With Onion! The perfect gift for young people who ruin their youth in the wrong way

One of the most effective ways we have to protect ourselves and others from illness is good personal hygiene.This means washing your hands, especially, but also your body. It means being careful not to cough or sneeze on others, cleaning things that you touch if you are unwell, putting items such as tissues (that may have germs) into… Read More »

What is the most dangerous disease in people whose hair turns white quickly?

Marie Antoinette syndrome refers to a situation where someone’s hair suddenly turns white (canities). The name of this condition comes from folklore about the French queen Marie Antoinette, whose hair supposedly turned white suddenly before her execution in 1793. Graying of the hair is natural with age. As you grow older, you may start to lose the melanin… Read More »

Is It Safe To Have Banana During Night? Here’s The Answer

One of the most nutritious fruits known to humans, bananas are packed with nutrients and antioxidants that a bunch of fruits together cannot compete with. They are rich in potassium, which are crucial in maintaining blood pressure levels in our body. One of the most nutritious fruits known to humans, bananas are packed with nutrients and antioxidants that… Read More »

What to Know About Joint Pain

Joints are the parts of your body where your bones meet. Joints allow the bones of your skeleton to move. Joints include: shoulders hips elbows knees Joint pain refers to discomfort, aches, and soreness in any of the body’s joints. Joint pain is a common complaint. It doesn’t typically require a hospital visit. Sometimes, joint pain is the result of… Read More »

In case of heart attack, eat this thing from the kitchen

After a heart attack, treatment focuses on preventing a future heart attack or any related complications, like a stroke. What you eat has an effect on how your body functions, including your heart. Changing eating habits can help reduce your risk of having another heart attack. Here’s a breakdown of diets that can help and foods that can… Read More »

What is PCOS And What is its Treatment?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be managed.Treatment options can vary because someone with PCOS may experience a range of symptoms, or just 1.The main treatment options are discussed in more detail below. In overweight women, the symptoms and overall risk of developing long-term health problems from PCOS can be greatly improved by losing… Read More »

Can White Hair Turn Black Again?

Are you surprised to see white or grey hair on your scalp way sooner than you expected? If you’re one of those youngsters who is trying to reverse premature greying of hair through various tricks, this article is for you. Greying is a sign of your natural aging process. Your skin has millions of hair follicles that contain… Read More »

Pregnant women, precautions to avoid C-section

Never before had the judging panel unanimously decided to each invest millions of dollars into a potential company.After buying a staggering 25% share in the sisters’ company, the Shark Tank panel have personally mentored the pair, helping them undergo re-branding and re-packing of their miracle product. Touting their discovery as “the greatest step forward in weight-loss history,” the judges were… Read More »