In case of heart attack, eat this thing from the kitchen

By | November 15, 2020

After a heart attack, treatment focuses on preventing a future heart attack or any related complications, like a stroke.

What you eat has an effect on how your body functions, including your heart. Changing eating habits can help reduce your risk of having another heart attack.

Here’s a breakdown of diets that can help and foods that can hurt.

A heart-healthy diet consists of:

  • lots of fruits and vegetables
  • lean meats
  • skinless poultry
  • nuts, beans, and legumes
  • fish
  • whole grains
  • plant-based oils, such as olive oil
  • low-fat dairy products
  • eggs (you can eat up to six per week)

These are all low in saturated fats and empty calories. As a rule of thumb, make sure your plate is half full and contains a variety of vegetables at every meal.

Canned and frozen veggies and fruits may be used in place of fresh varieties as long as they don’t contain salt and sugar.

Fish is one of the best foods for your heart, but you need to pick the right types. Oily fish is considered best because it’s loaded with omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce cholesterol and promote vascular health.

Aim to have at least 2 servings of fish per week. Examples include:

In case of heart attack, eat this thing from the kitchen