Tag Archives: health care

The five most poisonous substances

With the announcement of an inquiry into the murder of Alexander Litvinenko, talk of poisons is back in the news.There are many articles with lists of the most poisonous substances, which are often gathered based on their acute toxicity as measured by something called LD50. But acute toxicity is only one factor that needs to be considered, and relying solely on LD50… Read More »

9 Health Benefits of Eating Watermelon

Watermelon is a delicious and refreshing fruit that’s also good for you.It contains only 46 calories per cup but is high in vitamin C, vitamin A and many healthy plant compounds.Here are the top 9 health benefits of eating watermelon 1. Helps You Hydrate Drinking water is an important way to keep your body hydrated.However, eating foods that… Read More »

A few home remedies to get rid of jaundice

Your liver processes everything you eat and drink. It helps your body take in nutrients from food and turn them into energy. Your liver also moves toxins and old, damaged blood cells out of the body. When this process is disrupted, it can cause the waste product bilirubin to build up. This can result in jaundice. What you eat… Read More »

What can I do to relieve knee pain

During the physical exam, your doctor is likely to: Inspect your knee for swelling, pain, tenderness, warmth and visible bruising Check to see how far you can move your lower leg in different directions Push on or pull the joint to evaluate the integrity of the structures in your knee Imaging tests In some cases, your doctor might… Read More »

Why Morning Sickness IS the Sign of a Healthy Baby

London: It has long been dismissed as an old wives’ tale that morning sickness signals a healthy pregnancy. But experts now say it is probably true giving encouragement to sufferers, who famously include the Duchess of Cambridge.More than four in five women battle nausea in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, and around half experience vomiting. Scientists at… Read More »

I am offering a prescription for childless gentlemen

Infertility is a global reproductive health issue that affects many individuals and couples. Despite the high prevalence of infertility in Ghana, no study has been done on the experiences of infertile couples in Northern Ghana. This study therefore explored the experiences of infertile couples in Northern Ghana using the Upper West Region as a case study. Methods We… Read More »

Belly Fat Will Melt In Days

Having some body fat is healthy, but there’s good reason to want to lose extra weight around your waist.About 90 percent of body fat is just below the skin in most people, estimates Harvard Medical School. This is known as subcutaneous fat. The other 10 percent is called visceral fat. It sits underneath the abdominal wall and in spaces… Read More »

Only one cup a day and even the dead alive

In the middle of the Indonesian island of Sulawezi, lost in the green mountains, live a people with very particular funeral customs. The beliefs surrounding the vision of life and death of this ethnic group differ in many ways from our Western traditions. For the Toraja, death is not the end. Death affects only the physical body: it… Read More »

Talbina – A Sunnah of Prophet PBUH and a blessing to the Ummah.

We usually come across this word, in the mosque during small Islamic conversations, during lectures from our Teachers or while watching videos and surfing the internet.What is Talbina?It’s an Arabic dish prepared with barley, milk and honey in the porridge form. It was recommended by Prophet Muhammad PBUH to his companions when suffering through an illness or weakness of any kind.… Read More »

Hidden in Retha Read the full health secret and take Advantage

Several months ago, I moved into a new house. During the inspection of my old house, I was expecting to receive my whole security deposit back. I didn’t. The landlady took advantage of the situation and withheld part of my deposit. She charged me the price of cleaning the whole house even though I was only renting a… Read More »